Well that is it we are truly into the new year now with the first week gone. So many people have said to me 'it has flown by' and I feel happy to say no this week hasn't, I actually feel like I have been present in each day, if that makes sense! It has been a good week, yes busy and tiring. There have been dramas at work - that I really struggle to deal with, I tend to just walk away and let them get on with it (I don't do drama's!!). Plus, I have decided to come off Face book for a while, I have been losing interest in it for some time and tend to use it mainly for chatting to people but I am sure there are others ways to communicate - like the phone, or even the old fashioned way of face to face!!!!! Now that is scary lol. It feels a bit odd at the moment as I keep having the urge to peek on there but sure that will fade very soon. I have also removed messenger from my phone!!
I have managed to get out walking three times this week, so very pleased with that and it was a big 5.3miles this morning - admittedly not that great a distance but it is the longest I have done for some time, the hip and ankle are making small grumblings but they will have to put up with it. I am also back into doing some regular yoga and started meditating and it is all feeling good, hope I can keep it up.
As I haven't been near my camera this week I was looking for an image on the internet with some meaningful quote to post but I couldn't find one that felt right so instead I have settle for this image of mine and put on there what I am feeling right now.
It sounds like you have made a brilliant start to the year Karen with a wonderful positive attitude, I think 5.3 miles is something to be proud of! I'm looking forward to getting back to yoga next and we are settling nicely into our new year routine.