We took a walk from Grampound and Creed to see if we could connect the footpath we were on yesterday to this one to make it a loop, but we couldn't. I also wanted to retake the church photo with my big camera but the light although lovely and sunny was not suitable for what I wanted. The sun was casting too much shadow, still I will try another day. We ended up walking through some partially wooded area which was nice but not too inspiring. Still I managed a couple of photos.
Found this wood craving in amongst the bushes, around the top it says "look around to see how farmers improve the river" and then there are different pictures carved in the wood, it is very well done.
Thought I would have a go at some 'intentional camera movement' - not necessarily a style I could get into but do like some images I have seen that are well done - unlike this one lol
and of course there just happens to be a telephone box in Grampound so I had to snap it - well it would be rude not to. :)
That's a coincidence! I had a go at intentional camera movement this weekend as well. I need to practice!!!!