Friday, 6 February 2015

New Year Resolutions review

A quick review of January to see how I have done with my NYR's lol  yes a real hoot I know!!!  So here is the original post and the list
  1. Schedule some fun time every day,
  2. Stop overthinking - I am a devil for doing this!!,
  3. Relax more - challenging,
  4. Take my dreams seriously and don't be swayed by others ideas,
  5. Be kinder to myself,
  6. Keep my sense of humour,
  7. Appreciate all that I have (which I do, just need to remember it every now and then)
  8. Lose weight - ha ha,
  9. Drink less!! (sounds bad),
  10. Start some form of exercise again,
  11. Take myself off to places I have wanted to visit but haven't
So how have I done to date ?
#1 - not really achieved that one!
#2 - been very good on this one, have stopped myself each time I drifted off down that path. :)
#3 - hmm lets move on quickly,
#4 - was fully on track until an opportunity has come along and taken me right off my feet!!!  Will tell more when more definite.
#5 - Yes I think I have been,
#6 - Yep definitely,
#7 - Made more of an effort last month,
#8 - moving swiftly onto #9 Yes 100%, :)
#10 - Well the yoga did start again, then I forgot it had started - so back to square one on that!
#11 - Not yet!
Well as my teachers always said "needs to try harder"  lol how many of us can remember having that written on our reports!!!


  1. Well, that's not a bad start, but as my school reports always said "could do better"! :-)
    Joy x x

  2. oh yes...think that was always on my school report along with should chat less!!
    Looks like you have made a good start ..... on some of them lol x

    1. lol I don't want to over do these things you know ;) x

  3. I think that's pretty good for you lol and also you have a lot of things in the air so good on you xx

  4. You've got the rest of the year to get it right ;)

    1. lol that is so true Viv and they say practice makes perfect lol. x


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