Sunday, 18 January 2015

Toilet project progress

Well Monday seems an age ago not just a week.  Thankfully the week did improve as expected - either that or I just kept it all perspective.  My hard drive enjoyed it sleep over and came home on Tuesday all refreshed and willing to go again :)
On Thursday Lucy (photo friend) and I spent what can only be described as an enjoyable morning in Newquay going around with two of the Newquay Town Council toilet cleaners - now I know it sounds odd and not everyone's cup of tea but it was a way of getting the photos we wanted without any hassle and they have invited us back in the summer in the height of the season!!!  As you can guess they will be worse. They were all pretty clean to be honest and we had a good laugh along the way with Rob and Roger lol
So just a couple from the day - all clean I hasten to add :)
This one caused a lot of laughter as Lucy's comment was "oh even a urinal for short people!" Roger looked at her and said "yes, we call them children!"  
 This time it was my turn to make a fool of myself, having taken the photos inside as I was coming out I stopped to take one more, unfortunately I stopped by the electronic doors and they shut on me squashing me between them, as Lucy put it "a Karen sandwich"!!! Thankfully Lucy was too busy laughing to take a photo - phew!
The day was very cold and very windy, we did manage a couple of landscape shots as well lol

Weigh in, well I did it and I didn't put any on last week but..........then I didn't loose any either so guess that is good!! Started back on the yoga yesterday and it nearly killed me lol but I did enjoy it and remembered how good it felt to do it regularly so will attempt to stick at it.  Managed another yoga session today and feeling good though a long way to go.  


  1. I was the same as you - no loss but no gain this week up to Thursday.

    Love your landscapes. I feel a trip to the coast coming on!

    1. You can't beat a trip to the coast Eileen. xx

  2. Great photos Karen and it all seems like your project is turning into a lot of fun x

  3. Paying to go to the bathrooms is such a foreign concept here, I can't believe you even have automatic doors! Ok, I have to admit, I like your landscape photos way better than your urinal ones! :D

    1. lol Nathalie, I was amazed to hear they don't even have public toilets in Nova Scotia!!! xx


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