Saturday 30 November 2013

Learning Day 4 - Thurs

Posting a day behind as yesterday was rather a full on day.  Yesterday at work I got issued with my new phone - a blackberry!!  As of next week all my work will come through on this - no more paper timesheets, no more phone calls on my days off (apparently!!) I will now be able to look at the council's internal website and see what is happening now as a pose to last week and I will have to check it on a regular basis as any work changes during my shifts will be sent via email instead of a phone call!! I nearly managed to wipe the phone clean whilst putting in my password due to being told how to do it wrong!! You get five attempts to enter it after that the phone is swiped clean and then I have to request a reactivation from my boss who has to request one from her boss who has to request it to the IT department who have to ask someone else (probably the cleaner in the shop opposite) before they can issue me with a new activation code and start the phone up again!!! Well I got to the 3rd attempt and contacted the IT department and explained my problem, eventually after 15mins on the phone and being very patient with me between us we managed to get me in having issued me a new password before we got shut out.  I accessed the phone but now as I type this post I am looking at the phone and part of me is dreading the having to attempt the turn on lol. By this time next week I shall be a wizz at it!! So my learning for yesterday was how to turn my new phone on!!

Linking with Lucky Snapping


  1. good luck with your new phone and hope it does make your life a little easier in the end :)

  2. That's a great phone, but I find it hard to use due to fat fingers!!! I always managed to press the wrong keys, or two at a time which spelt out some weird things!!! : ) Hope you get on fine with it, I'm sure you will!! x

  3. I'm pants with new technology....really don't like change. Good luck x

  4. That phone would give me such stress, too tiny for me to use it to read important information like that!! Well done on sorting it out xx


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