Saturday, 29 August 2015

Boat Trip

So August has been somewhat of a wash out down here in the South West - having typed that the sun has been out most of the day!!

It has been a hectic few weeks, with the girls both home and big changes at work which we are having to prepare for. Have to be honest and say I am feeling positive about it all - no point in not to be honest!! I thought they put a nice write up on their website about us which you can read here, it is confusing a number of people as Cormac are known for road maintenance some people are concerned they will have road workers delivering care some are looking forward to it!!!
Mick has been on his travels again this week, over to France and Belgium with a couple of friends, he went on Tues and will be back tomorrow.  Both girls are out tonight which has given me a chance to start looking at some photos ready for Camera Club, as we start back on Thurs - I am already getting first night nerves!!! Stupid really but I am worrying about who will turn up - if anyone!! Will there be new people coming along and what will they think of the evening.  Will those coming bring along enough photos to fill the evening and what am I going to ramble about in between!!!  Anyone would think I am hosting a huge event and not just the first night back at a small camera club lol.
Anyway here are a couple of photos I took in July when some of us managed to get out on a boat trip around the coast. 
The first is St Michael's Mount as we went out of Penzance harbour, love the sky colour, thankfully it did brighten up as the second image shows.

The cloud caught my eye as it was sitting over the top of St Michaels Mount - clear blue above it and below it.   
It turned out a beautiful day, there were some Risso dolphins around but although the others saw them and got some good pics unfortunately every time I looked they had gone!!!  If you remember the kit kat advert - well that was/is me!!! lol It has since become a bit of a standing joke!!

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