Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Bike Trip - Day 4

I am determined to finish the holiday snaps so here is day 4.  This is not a place for everyone and not a place I would put in the 'must visit' list as it really is personal choice.  I have wanted to visit this place ever since Mick told me about it, I can't explain why I wanted to, maybe part of me didn't actually believe it, maybe I thought I would understand something - what I don't know, all I knew was I wanted to go. 
The village is called Oradour-sur-Glane and on the 10th June 1944 the SS sealed off the village then killed 642 people, of which 205 were children the youngest being 1yr old twins.  If you want to you can read about it here. The village has been left as it is as a memorial to those that died there. As you enter the village there is a sign that simply reads 'SILENCE' - it is not a place that provokes chatter,  just disbelief and bewilderment, if I asked myself "why" once I asked it a hundred times.  My brain cannot comprehend it at all!!!
Here are just a small selection of photos I took, yes part of me felt disrespectful in taking the photos but another part of me wanted to take them to show to others to say this happened this exists and the truly sad thing about it all is that this kind of atrocity is still happening today around the world!!
Looking back down the main road through the village. 

This is the church bell - melted. 
The Church 



  1. I think I would probably have wanted to look round as well. I think it is important to remember all those people and what happened to them.


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