Thursday, 5 March 2015


Well I have been a little AWOL for a couple of weeks but hopefully things will settle down here a bit for a while anyway so that I can attempt to regain some form of normality or routine to my life!!  I do have a good reason though.  For the last three weeks I have had my head buried in an application form for a new role at work, as well as still doing all my college work!!!  I hadn't intended to be applying for a new job this early in the year if at all this year but it came up and this doesn't happen often, the last time was 12 yrs ago and I had to withdraw my application then due to the hrs and the girls being so young at the time.  Anyway after two weeks of writing, re writing and more re writing I submitted the form.  Thankfully there was only five days between the closing date and interview date so I didn't have long to wait or long to try and work out what the questions might be!!!  So a weekend of refreshing myself on everything I could think of as well as learning some new stuff - which is never a bad thing.........though I didn't get asked anything to do with any of it!!!!! Always the way eh??  So Tues is interview day with 7 of us after the job, an hour an a half later I come out of the room having completed a practical assignment and answered their questions.  I was not impressed with my performance, I don't feel I answered the questions particularly well although I answered them.  I left there feeling exhausted and disappointed in myself - but on the positive side I have learnt a lot from the whole experience, the form filling the extra new learning I did and I acquired a new top out of it as well - so not so bad after all and more importantly I have been blown away by the support that Mick has given me over this whole process, just amazing, I am so lucky. :)  so as I always say there is a positive in everything. 
As I was driving to my course yesterday morning my phone rang, I guessed it was work and didn't answer as I didn't want to hear the bad news.  I then thought it would be better to get it all over and done with and then I can move on, so I rang my boss back and after a short conversation, I found myself sat in my car on the roadside sobbing my little heart out ..... how pathetic eh?  as I should have been jumping with joy as she was offering me the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I still can't believe it, apparently they thought I did really well in the interview, I answered all the questions saying what they wanted to hear (which I don't believe as I didn't use the 'buzz words' as I object to them! and they had said my application form was excellent :) Even now nearly 24hrs later I still can't believe it - I take up my new role as Team Leader on 7th April, so five weeks yesterday :) he he!!  It will be Mon-Fri hrs, (no more shifts!! - what will I do??) sharing the out of hrs service between 10 leaders so one weekend in 10 working instead of working 2 weekends out of 3 and evenings free, more hrs oh and more money!!!  So to say I am happy is an understatement, though aware the three months induction is going to be full on, learning three new computer software systems and the extra training I will be doing - but hey I like a challenge and now I have one :)
I haven't got a photo to share so instead I am sharing this I know I am not Cornish but I have lived here longer than anywhere else in my life (20yrs this year!!!) 
Thanks for reading if you have made it this far.xx


  1. Fantastic news. Congratulations Karen.

  2. Karen, that's such great news and the fact you are so happy and positive, grabbing the application by the neck, shows you are ready for it and very very capable. It's always good to learn new things, even at our age (!) and I think it can make you feel very alive to know you are starting out on something new..(albeit in the same area , so that will help if you feel wobbley) Good news x

  3. Many congratulations, Karen, you really deserve it, with all the hard work you put in. Well done, Joy x x x

  4. that's super news Karen - well done you x x

  5. Raising a. Ass of wine to your new future :-)

  6. Raising a glass of wine to your future :-)

  7. What wonderful news Karen, congratulations x

  8. Wonderful news Well done.


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