Friday, 6 January 2012

Journal Your Christmas the final entry!

Catching up on the last few prompts for JYC (determined to finish it!) and part of the prompt for the 2nd Jan was asking if you witnessed anyone going out of their way to be kind or calm at a stressful time?  Well as I write this Christmas and New Year seem to be a distance memory now  - I guess that is due to our lives being so busy that everything that happens has to be enjoyed at the time because in the blink of an eye we are doing something else.  Certainly the case in our family and I'm sure a lot can relate to this.  It is abit like coming back off holiday, you want to keep the feeling going but you can't as life returns to routine as soon as you walk through the door. (I seem to have digressed slightly)  I think the acts of generousity that stood out for me this year was the girls gifts to each other and Mick and myself.  I had to laugh when I heard myself telling them off for wasting their money on me and Mick -  that was just what my mother use to say to me lol.  History repeating itself I guess.  Whislt shopping in town I decided to play a game that a friend and I use to play whist working in London on early turn.  The aim was to smile and say "hello" (or Merry Christmas) to as many complete strangers as you could and get them to return the gesture. I am pleased to say I did fairly well this year and most returned the gesture, though I did get a few scowls and odd looks - but generally a good reponse - so maybe good will isn't lost after all.

Jan 3rd prompt - favourite moment of the season or to photograph fog.  Hmm ... have to say we haven't had any fog OR a single bit of frost, I have never known us not to have frost this time of year, does that mean we are going to get it later or never see it again!!!
My favourite moment - can't really think of one to be honest, probably Bernadette coming home and making the house complete, then Mael (the boyfriend - Bernadette's that is) arriving as well, which seemed to finalise the completness (if that makes sense). Having a full table on Christmas Day as well.

No fog but this is what greeted me when I went to Pendower to photo the crashing waves in the wind!!  As you can see not very stormy -  it was beautiful anyway.

Jan 4th prompt - to make a list of things I want to remember for next year.  Definitely the sprouts and bacon and the sausagment stuffing, though I think I shall be doing those throughout the year any way. Yummy. 

Nothing to do with the entry for today but I couldn't resist taking a photo of this, it just made me smile, daffs with Christmas decorations!! Doesn't seem right.

Jan 5th prompt - packing away.  I have to confess and say the decs all came down on New Year's
Eve, though the wreath stayed up until today.  I tend to take all the cards down prior to Amanda's birthday on the 4th so that her cards can go up.  This year the rest just followed the cards, and it didn't seem as painful and labourious as past years.  
The photo prompt for today has to be my favourite and one I have thought about a lot.  It is to set yourself a photography goal and go for it, I could list so many that I want to do but will try and decide on just two possibly.  I'm doing my 26wk challenge already and I have started a 366 project as well, which easily falls in with the 26wk challenge.  I think one of my biggest goals this year is to master my flash gun, I had a book for Christmas which should help me along.  I'm thinking about a couple of others but knowing what I am like, I tend to plan too much and achieve nothing, so before making a decision I shall think alittle longer on them.

Sharing this with you because I really like it!

At the moment I don't intend to post each of my 366 images on here every day, (they go on flickr) but sometimes I may do.

Jan 6th  Summarise our Christmas, ...... weather wise, very wet and very windy.  Health wise, sniffles and coughs and now vomiting!!  Relaxation ... yes definitely.  Batteries recharged for the New Year, I would say so.  As said in a previous post I have really enjoyed doing this and thank you for all the comments that have been made, it is really nice to know that others have enjoyed reading it.
So that is it all complete, just need to print it off and put in a book!!  That is after I have finished two other books that have been waiting an age to be completed.  Thanks for following this Christmas Journey. xx


  1. What a great blog. I love both the pics but then I loved them both last night :-)

  2. and following you through your christmas journey has been a pleasure to read Karen.

    Simply love the flower photo!! x

  3. The photos look great particularly the gerbera. Well done on completing - my photos came back yesterday so I am getting there :0)


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